Friday, 18 January 2008

Return to Lotusland

I finally made it back home to Vancouver, with mixed feelings as usual. I don't quite feel at home yet, even though I've been back for 10 days now...probably because I haven't had a home yet. I've been sleeping in Heather and Charles' spare room (thanks guys!) waiting for my new apartment to get painted. My stuff finally got moved in today, and I will follow it tomorrow.

Life back in Canada, i.e., real life, is busy. I am a teaching assistant for two fourth-year courses this semester, on top of my commitments to Slow Food, Farm Folk City Folk, and that little thing called a thesis. I haven't even had to time to really digest the last four months yet. I have all sorts of fleeting thoughts running through my head but no time to put them all together. So much has happened, yet in some ways I feel like I've hardly been away at all.

I'll write more thoughts on things past and things to come once I get myself settled in. It's nice to be home where things are relatively easy and the air is clean, but despite all it's difficulties, India still has some things that I miss very much already.

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