It seems that my scholarship from Shastri was just the start of a series of serendipitous events that are, I hope, the beginning of a year that will see me back to India. It seems that old and new connections are making sure I don't stop thinking about India.
In the first week of 2009:
- I received a scholarship from the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute.
- I saw a fabulous movie set in Mumbai called Slum Dog Millionaire.
- My friend Dana took me to my very first Canadian kirtan.
- I read a book by Anita Desai called In Custody, set in old Delhi.
- My dear friend Ramesh emailed to say he is coming to the west coast of North America, from Dharamsala, and hoped we could visit.
- Dr. Giri, head of the Schumacher Centre for Development in Delhi and one of the many amazing people I met at random there, reignited our email correspondence and began a discussion of potential co-authoring. He may even make it to Vancouver this year.
- Another research contact from the GREEN Foundation who I've only spoken with on the phone found an old text message from May, found my email address, and got back in touch. He's now with the AME Foundation and we will try to connect next time I'm there.
I'm choosing to take all this as a sign that (1) I need to go back (no surprise there), and (2) it is finally time to finish that pesky thesis so I can go back with a light heart and feeling that I have contributed something to this place that seems to have become such an important part of my life.
Hi Great to see this blog!!
I found it from google mapping Navdanya, and then stumbles across it. I saw your comment on chickens in Vancouver! I am from Kamloops, and have been spearheading the urban hen movement for a year here. I was so pleased to see vancouver set this wonderful precedent for sustainable urban living!
I am currently doing an application for a rotary scholarship to try and attend classes and volunteer at Navdanya for a year.
It sounds wonderful. What was your experience?
Feel free to contact me or check out my website
Talk to you soon
Hi Bonnie, sorry to take so long to respond. I'll send you an email....
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