Saturday, 5 January 2013

"In Africa, God is very big."

That's what the man in the gas station in South Africa said. I think I get what he meant. EVERYTHING here is big. The skies are huge. The animals are huge. Everything is big: gas tanks, bugs, potholes, speed limits (120km/h on 2-lane roads covered in cows, donkeys, and goats), and smiles. We've mostly been in Botswana so far, driving from Johannesburg to Maun via Gaborone. The people here seem very quiet and lovely. Life is pretty simple compared to many places we've travelled. Botswana operates formally in English (with many other languages) and is very safe and hassle free. And there are goats everywhere!!!! (I really, really like goats.)

We've crossed the Tropic of Capricorn, drove though clouds of butterflies, dodged much livestock, and seen crazy things that start to seem commonplace at an alarmingly fast rate. Our first excitement was at the Khama Rhino Sanctuary. We saw a real live rhino wandering around in the wild, and many other things (list to come) that are almost unbelievable. The next night we camped at a place owned by a lovely couple near the entrance of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. We were in our roof top tent when the biggest thunder and lightening storm we've ever seen started up. We retreated to the truck for a few hours on account of the metal framing of the tent. We almost got a speeding ticket driving towards Maun, Botswana, but B managed to sweet-talk our way out of it. (Even the police here seem nice!)

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